Brain Deterioration by Dr Dharma

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Dr. Dharma® says It's Worse Then I Thought
Just Saturday I told you about the new research that reveals that people are starting to suffer from brain breakdown at an early age. In the article I read it was 45. Now its also clear that at least 500,000 people will get Alzheimer's in their 40's as well. Recall that Alzheimer's is a disease of aging; the older you get, the higher your risk. The numbers really start going up at 65.

But what's worse is that people much younger are being diagnosed with other types of cognitive decline such as Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Both of these are progressive and turn into Alzheimer's dementia with time unless you absolutely do something to stop it.

New startling data, however. now tell us that Alzheimer's disease is starting to appear at younger and younger ages. It can't be from age. Therefore it must be from lifestyle.

The worst is stress, which fries your brain cells.

But nutritional deficiencies are right up there. They are killing your memory.

Is your brain starving? Are your memories starting to fade? Is it harder to pay attention and concentrate?

How's that short term memory? Not as good as before?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then you must make sure you are taking 4 Brain Tabs and 2 Memory Caps each and every day.

I kid you not!

Brain Longevity Specialist   BrainCaps

Brain Longevity Specialist   Memorycaps

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